Sunday, December 16, 2007

Petrol Bunk and fruits

After a long time, I drove my pep over the weekend. The usual bunk where I used to fill the fuel was not active. So I went to another
bunk . I was carrying lot of "Ber"(not sure what is it called in english.Tamil equivalent=elandha pazham). The bunk had lot of girl assistants for fuel filling.One of them pointed me and spoke to her coworker that "Look, maam has got lot of ber". I asked her if she wanted some.She was blushing and I gave her handful. She said "maam just give me one". I realized her happiness when she got a handful of them.

There are still so many people in the society who can still not afford for even small things. The small deeds that we do can make a


Anonymous said...

I agree with you smilie that there are still many ppl who are not able to afford for even the basic necessity.Our small offerings/help makes a lot of difference...Good Job...Keep it up!!

cm chap said...

Hats off Smilie