Friday, April 13, 2012

I checked today’s date and I realized that I have been blogging for six years now. Really? Has it been six years? I can’t believe that I am still doing something without being bored. I do not blog as often as I think I want to write, but I try to find some time as much as I can. Sometimes fear of how the post will be perceived is also a reason to hold back on writing some posts.
Along with starting a blog, I also did another good thing few years back. I registered in google groups that talk about the goodness of my turban master. It has been wonderful so far to read stories and good things every morning. How is it that everything is good with the turban master?
Here is a small gyan from today’s email:
It is important to understand that the air never gets depleted from the universe no matter how much is consumed. We are floating in a pool.
 Natural law is that what one may absorb, others may not be absorbing it.
For example: A leaf takes green colour, the flower is not absorbing it. It takes another colour.
If someone absorbs fear, he is making someone else fearless. That individual is creating that field, atmosphere around by being receptive to it.
Don’t take fear. An environment of fear is self-created... enhancing the devil by feeling fearful of him. By being fearful, someone else is becoming fearless. This is how terrorists work!
The Supreme has made everyone a reflection of itself.
Be fearless and counter attack. Now we have to be fearless, aware and conscious. This is the message.

Understand the subtleties. Everything is floating in the universe. Universe balances all. Same sun rays fall on the cactus as on the flower, what they do not absorb, shows on them.

Doubts and fear come when you are fearful, karm heen.

Face your fears... counteract by saying: “Why should I be scared when I am truly working on myself?” People often become submissive. Say to yourself:
“I am in surrender if I am truthful then divine help will always be there for me” Energy is depleted by being fearful. Forward your fears to the Universe. “I am on path of truth love karm and light, I am not taking it.”

Watch the body language change. Grace will descend.Be a worthy medium of divine grace.