Sunday, February 24, 2008



Well, the idea of above toon was just to depict the scenario.
The article does not intend to point out any individual or his/her
food interests.

This is to promote vegetarianism for one’s good health.

P.S: Click on the image to have a magnified view

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Google – V’day Logo

I am so interested in admiring the Google logo daily. Dennis Hwang is brilliant in depicting the importance of a day in terms of logo itself.

Today is a V’day special. I was quite impressed by the logo. It meant so much for me.
Oldies walking together with a walking stick and a rose in hand.

The idea of depicting old people together meant the depth of love. Walking together to enjoy the lovely sky depicts the happiness they must be having.

Don't you feel so?
Smilie smiles:)