Friday, April 10, 2015

Today is a Gift

It has been very long time since I blogged. I do not want to give the typical excuse that I was very busy and had no time. The truth is my priorities changed and wanted to stay away from blogging for some time.

It is still so fresh in my memory about how and when I started blogging. Yes, it has been 9 years since I started blogging and here I am trying to get back to blogging and revive this space.

Recently I started watching few videos of "Infinetheism". The videos are very motivational and though provoking. Here is a video that I would like to share with the world and get back to blogging.
Will write more in my next blog about what I felt about this video and why this was inspiring.

1 comment:

Devi Ramachandran said...

Welcome back to the blogging world:)

Nice video and definitely all "Infinetheism" videos are thought provoking.

Awaiting for more posts