Friday, September 14, 2007

Driving Chronicles


Learning is a great experience for anyone. I have had many adventurous learning experiences since my childhood.

During my school days I used to dream of cycling up in busy roads. I was a protected child during those days. But I had loads of interest in learning cycling. Every year I used to go to my cousin’s place during summer holidays. I was parallely enrolled into few classes throughout my academics. So I was generally left with hardly 10 days of summer holidays at my cousin’s place. It was during my ninth grade completion when I had my first cycling experience. My cousin and few of her friends thought me. I never fell down when I learnt and I learnt it fair enough. When I was back home, my father bought me a Hercules. That was the stepping-stone of my learning. My grandfather used to accompany me in the mornings to have a better practice.

I did not gain the confidence of cycling until my eleventh grade. But I practiced when I usually went for special classes. I had to go to the special class on a Saturday evening. I cycled up very fast till the road end where it meets the main road. I did not know that I had to wait and look on the turnings. I casually turned left when a bus came very fast. There was hardly any gap between the bus and me. My right hand was bruised as badly as I drove to the pace of bus. I lost my balance. But my PROM(Presence Of Mind) helped me to immediately drop my cycle towards left of the road and I fell towards my left. Imagine had I lost control totally, I would have gone under the bus and would not be now to write this. I was really really scared to go back home. I was sure I would get a big bash from parents. I went straight to the special class. Blood was whoozing from my right hand. I managed to get it dressed up and when I went home told my parents that I fell down, without even letting them know what happened in reality.

Each time when I went wrong and got hit badly, I gained confidence to overcome them. I then started going to my high school in cycle with my other friends.We used to have loads of fun on the way to school.

to be continued.....

1 comment:

cm chap said...

Glad that ur PROM worked at that time... motly in these kind of situations PROM shuts itself...