Sunday, September 25, 2011

Friend Request ?

To me definition of friend is, a person who really cares, is not jealous, truly feels happy in your happy moments, feel equally bad in bad times, and help when needed. Treating the other person with respect shows the real friend in a person. The tone in which a person talks, the way a person treats other person mean a lot to me. I do not like people taking the other person for granted, demanding, making fun in front of others, letting down in front of others.

I have always hated when a so called friend talks between the 2 in a group when others in the scene are totally forgotten. I believe in etiquette and I am totally uncomfortable in such places. Two people can talk but eventually they should let others in the group know what they discussed. If it’s something that cannot be shared it could better be discussed in private.

Social networking websites help us to get connected with friends, colleagues, acquaintances, sometimes so called friends. Most of the times we even add people whom we have not seen, met and probably just talked over the phone hardly once. Sometimes we end up getting requests from people whom we know with traits that I have described above. I knew one such person who have made me totally uncomfortable in several occasions and now wants to add me in her network. What kind of a person is she?

It gives so much relief when I ignore and just move on with my work when such requests come. There is no better diplomatic reaction I could think of other than this.

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